Mysterious Moving Signs

It seems to be a commonly reported issue and as Halloween approaches maybe as a volunteer group we can keep an eye on our mysterious moving signs.

The most recent reported issue has taken place in Bootle on route 810 where two signs on Worcester Road have had a mystical force dislodge the posts from the ground and turn them to point in the wrong direction.  The issue has been forward onto the local authorities so that the posts can be fixed.

If you are out and about on our areas network of cycling and walking routes and you come across similar, let us know and perhaps together we can resolve the mystery... or at least get it fixed.

'Ditch Those Stabilisers' at Litherland Sports Park

On Tuesday the 27th October my five year old Son and I attended the 'Ditch Those Stabilisers' session at Litherland Sports Park.  The session was organised by Seftons Travel Awareness and Safety Team.  The track at Litherland Sports Park offered the perfect environment for my son to feel safe and confident whilst attempting to ride his bike.  Staff were on hand to give practical advice and assistance.  I'm proud to say it didn't take him long to get rolling and I'm looking forward to having many fun adventures with him on two wheels over the coming months.  I can recommend the workshops and encourage you to look out for future dates in Sefton's Walking and Cycling Newsletter.