We are volunteers for Sustrans and the Trans Pennine Trail for the Merseyside North area. Merseyside North area extends from the Sefton Coast between Aintree, Southport and inland beyond Ormskirk.
We are interested in some or all of the following...
Cycling, walking, horse riding, sustainable transport, the environment, our local area, local issues, welcoming visitors to the area, access, maps, health, team work, social gatherings, open spaces, air quality, efficient routes, biodiversity, community and getting involved.

Sustrans is the leading charity enabling people to choose healthier, cleaner and cheaper journeys. As volunteers, we are the eyes and ears on the ground and assist in maintaining the national cycle network, local connecting routes and raise peoples awareness to the choices available for the journeys they make.
In the Merseyside North area at Southport we are also honoured to have the Beginning/End point of the Trans Pennine Trail. The Trans Pennine Trail is an internationally recognised and exciting route for walkers, cyclists and horse riders linking the North and Irish Seas, passing through the Pennines, alongside rivers and canals and through some of the most historic towns and cities in the North of England. National cycle route 62 which runs through our area of Merseyside North is part of The Trans Pennine Trail.
For more information on becoming a volunteer CLICK HERE TO EMAIL.