We are proud to announce that our volunteer group and you as the local community of Merseyside North are recipients of Tesco's 'Bags of Help' initiative (#BagsofHelp). We are asking you to visit your local Tesco store between the 27th of February and the 6th of March 2016 and vote for our project 'The Meadow'. Your vote could help us obtain £10000 or possibly £12000 to help us make a real difference in your community.

We are proposing to develop an area of Sustrans owned land to the rear of Sefton Drive in Maghull for the benefit of the community. This area of land is part of the National Cycle Network that forms route 62 and the Trans Pennine Trail. We would like to bring together our current volunteers and the local community of all ages and abilities to assist in removing overgrown vegetation, cultivate and develop the area of land into a wildflower meadow with the particular benefit to the bee and butterfly population that is in decline. We would also like to encourage other forms of wildlife by installing bat and bird boxes, hedgehog houses and insect hotels. For the local community we want this to be an area where they can visit for pleasure and leisure whilst walking or cycling. For those from the wider community we would like this to be a resting or turning point on the very popular NCN route 62 of the Trans Pennine Trail. £8000 would give us the tools, equipment, resources and seeds to clear the land, prepare and cultivate the area. £12000 would give us the means to sustain the project beyond this initial phase to be productive and self sufficient. We would provide permanent furniture for the community and those on their travels to rest a while, storage for the tools and equipment and hospitality facilities to increase the comfort of our community, visitors and volunteers.

Currently the proposed project area of land approximately 150x30m is featureless, misused and overgrown with brambles and weeds with little flora value. There is a tarmac path (NCN 62) running through the land which is often subject to littering and dog fouling. The area of land does have the benefit of control gates in order to stop motorised vehicles and some well established trees between the houses and the path. The project also has the potential to draw in wildlife and species from neighboring land to create a green, bio-diverse corridor. The area of land is accessible 24/7, 365 days of the year. We know the project is achievable, we just need the support of your votes in Tesco stores on the 27th of February 2016 to make the funds happen.
Don't forget to vote between the
27th of February and the 6th March
at your local Tesco store!
For updates on the project...