Thanks to Abigail, Mandy, Kathryn and Hannah, I now have 5 litter
pickers, 5 refuse sack holders, 5 pairs of tough gloves, 2
hand/pruning saws, 2 Sustrans table cloths, 2 Sustrans feather flags
and some bunting, a TPT zap stand banner and stacks of publicity
leaflets, maps and merchandise... Some extra signing for our area
has been ordered and... I think we're ready for some action!
- Can I ask you all to keep your ears and eyes open for any events that might be worth us getting involved in with a publicity stand. Let me know if you think of anything. The recent pitch at Sefton Meadows and Lydiate Scouts Car boot sale went well with good interest shown by the visitors to the stand. Updates and pictures are on our webpage.
- I've put some dates on the calendar for activities... Saturday the 22nd of August I'll be pitching up a publicity stand again on the area of Sustrans land by Sefton Meadows between 1pm and 4pm. It would be useful to have at least one person assist me during this time for general security reasons. If you are available and can help out, could you let me know? All are welcome to visit, bring a flask, snacks, stay and chat.
- On the 30th of August 10am-1pm, if you're available, join me in a leisurely cycle from the Mecycle cafe near Ainsdale train station and make our way onto the Cheshire Lines (Route 62/TPT) heading towards the old Lydiate station area. This will be a maintenance activity of litter picking and general/basic clearing of path vegetation encroachment (Mainly brambles). I can provide the tools listed above, but please feel free to bring along your own clippers if you prefer. Again if you are able to come along, could you let me know in advance? (If the new signage arrives in time for this event, this will also be delegated as part of the activities).
- The project I am running ENGAGE the Trail (The Trans Pennine Trail Community Photography Initiative) was sadly unsuccessful in achieving the funding goal in it's recent Kickstarter fundraising campaign. It was well supported and the publicity that the project has received over the past month and a half has been awesome. Although the project didn't achieve the funding goal, I am still hoping to form ENGAGE the Trail in the coming weeks. I am carefully considering alternative funding options including sponsorship. If anyone has any suggestions or contacts to potential avenues of sponsorship, it would be great to hear and really appreciated.