An August Bank Holiday Weekend of Activity.

Over the weekend of the 29th and 30th of August, I was out and about publicising, cutting and sticking.  On Saturday the 29th we had a publicity stall at the Family Fun Day at Crosby Leisure Centre and Swimming Baths.  I had some good discussions with members of the public in relation to future activities and the cycle network in our area.  I was able to introduce the Trans Pennine Trail to a number of people who were looking for a quiet family friendly area to cycle with their children.  It was also good to network with other organisations such as 'Crosby Community Markets' and 'Guide Dogs for the Blind'.

The following day on Sunday the 30th I cycled from Ainsdale along the Trans Pennine Trail/Route 62 towards Lydiate and Sefton Meadows.  The main purpose of this ride was to address some of the issues that have been reported by members of the public.  With the bike trailer fully packed, some new signs have been added in certain areas to hopefully alleviate anyone straying from the Trail.  Nettle encroachment and the occasional bramble on the path seems to be the main hazard at the moment so, some trimming also took place.

Some examples of the work...

Before and after... 
addition of some new signage to hopefully guide Trail users in the right direction in the Ainsdale area.

Coastal Road... confirmation signage added.

Before and after...Clearing of the vegetation encroachment on the path near Plex Moss Lane.

Confirmation and repeating signage added to the Old Moss Bridge Station/Formby area of the Trail

New Signs added to the Lydiate Station area of Route 62 of the Trans Pennine Trail and the end of a busy weekend!